One of my favourite clients
A few years back, I coached an “up and coming” regional executive in the pharmaceutical industry in Asia. We’ll call her SC. Her boss saw her potential whilst she seemed to think that it was, “too good to be true”!
12 years ago, we connected over Skype which at the time was still quite new. Presently with zoom it’s not too foreign for any of us to talk over video chat but back then it was challenging, especially since she lived in Hong Kong and I was in Morocco. Let’s just say that the internet was patchy at best.
We connected instantly. In fact, we delved deeply into her values, her challenges, her perceptions and her beliefs in our first 1 ½ hour session. That bode well for the coming 24 conversations ahead.
I focused on her Blueprint analysis and understanding. She was one of my best students. She did her homework diligently, relistening to the sessions, journaling and was afforded many “AHA moments” upon which she acted and expanded. She went from being a young woman searching in the dark, frustrated with her communication skills with peers and turned into a powerful and inspirational leader who realized who she WAS…her career skyrocketed!
It was so exciting to work and support SC…to see how she blossomed more and more every time she understood more of herself and the “WHY” of her management style and challenges. From the time we coached to now… She went from Regional Sales Manager when she started with me, during the coaching she both got married and got promoted to Business manager (relocating to Japan) and went on to become Country Manager (in Korea). Quite an achievement remembering the male oriented culture in those countries!
Watching SC or any of my clients grow and expand has always been my greatest joy. It does not always come easy, however when they understand their Blueprint and work with it, the more they delve into who they really are and all their gifts and talents, the more they grow in their personal life and empower their business success. They start to shine; become happy and content. They’re balanced and become successful leaders in their jobs, communities and at home.
It is great when nothing is “too good to be true” any longer and it just becomes “TRUE”
Do we add a call to connect with me?
If you are interested in exploring these possibilities, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a 15 minute exploratory chat.