
One of my favourite clients

One of my favourite clients A few years back, I coached an “up and coming” regional executive in the pharmaceutical industry in Asia.  We’ll call her SC.  Her boss saw her potential whilst she seemed to think that it was, “too good to be true”! 12 years ago, we connected over Skype which at the time was still quite new.  Presently with zoom it’s not too foreign for any of us to talk over video chat but back then it…

The AHA Effect

How do we ever get to know when we have a “light bulb” moment? And what does it take to get there?  I can remember when I was discovering my Blueprint …which is a discovery system of our person on several levels, emotional, mental and spiritual, based on archetypes (which are universal in-born models of people, behaviors or personalities influencing our human behavior. These are archaic forms of innate human knowledge passed down from our ancestors which we use to…

Moving Day

“Moving...Moving...Moving” the tune from the animated picture Madagascar has been sung and heard a lot around my home lately…although we are in “lockdown”. How interesting that some people complain or go stir crazy because they are not allowed to go shopping on a whim or see their friends in person or enjoy a night out on the town whilst I am enjoying this slowing down, am enjoying having time….in fact so much so that it is as though time no…

Cork tree

A couple of years ago, while I was still living in Hong Kong, I had no idea what a cork tree looked like. I just knew that the cork in my bottle of wine came from the bark of a tree that grows mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and especially Portugal. A year and a half ago I moved to Portugal and discovered that, not only are they highly valued and protected, I have one in my garden! The move…

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Wow!  Do you find that this year has just begun and is already ending?  Perhaps our perception of time is changing or we live differently…. For me, this has been a very eventful, even momentous year, full of mega change, at times difficult.  To adjust to a different country, on a different continent with a totally different culture from the last 40 years, was sometimes a challenge – not being familiar with the language, with small things like where to…

A new habit?

Hello, During the last few weeks we have talked about the importance of nature and connecting to it; we had a nature challenge that was taken up by quite a few of you…and several people confirmed Einstein’s quote: “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better”.  Then we were daydreaming on clouds to help the flow of ideas and to create space in our heads. Now it’s time to take the next step and create new habits!…

Daydream Challenge

Hello, In my last blog, I mentioned my garden here in Portugal, which gives me so much joy and grounds me in reality; another wonderful feature of this place are the skies…contrary to Hong Kong, where mostly they are now grey, here, be they dawn, dusk, midday, bright or announcing rain, the skies are vibrant, the clarity of the air is crystalline. I often just sit and daydream upon them, watching the clouds. You might think this is a waste…

30-Day Nature Challenge

Hello again from Portugal, It has been an interesting, exciting and sometimes challenging time here, sometimes – often - it’s been simply wonderful!  One of the most wonderful things I’ve experienced by moving from Hong Kong to Lisbon, Portugal is my back yard.  What about it?…I HAVE ONE NOW! Living the city life had it’s advantages but the discoveries I’ve made by changing my lifestyle, by embracing the adventure and not succumbing to my fear of doing something new…has been…

Portugal and new opportunities

It’s all about change. About flexibility, creativity and trust… Moving to a new country after 40 years in one place, one has to be able to let go and let God…however nice and helpful the people are, however beautiful the environment…let go and let God and enjoy the process. This I experienced during the last couple of weeks.  I was “trying to make things happen” to get all my ducks (and docs) in a row in order to clear Customs…

Bye Bye Hong Kong…for now

Some 40 years ago (yes it has been that long…) a young Swiss Miss came to Hong Kong for a Chinese New Year holiday from steady and stable Geneva, Switzerland. I had just gone through a divorce which made me question everything, including my ability to make friends, earn a living, have fun, manage my life. One thing I did have though, was a sense of adventure and a gift for languages. Thus, given a chance for a change of…

My summer in Portugal

How has your Summer/Winter (depending on hemisphere) been so far? Have you had any life changing adventures? Any helpful insights that propel you forward? I had decided to spend a few months in Portugal with a base in Lisbon. Settling into my new environment was sometimes fun and enjoyable, sometimes a challenge: is there/where is the post office? Where can I buy a microfiber dishcloth, food, a printer, flowers or a birthday card? Parts of me had a field day,…

Everything that irritates us about others

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."  Carl Jung  Once upon a time I would have forcefully said "absolutely not" to this quote, as possibly many who read this will do.  After years of taking things personally and blaming others and often being grumpy because of it, I experienced the truth of Carl Jung's statement.  It was quite a wake up call...I have learnt to look at my life and my world differently…
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